Japanese wood product repair technology
The delicate and beautiful technological capabilities peculiar to Japan as technology to draw grain by putting resin in scratches of wood products
It is a big echo in every direction.
Please also learn this technique and use it for a rich income and a happy life.
The delicate and aesthetic sensibility unique to Japanese people may not be imitated by other countries.
The art of putting resin in the scratches on the tree and writing them to repair them is an art.
Would you like to build a rich life with this technology?
20年間の経営、300件の加盟店実現実績を有するわたくしが映像でご指導申し上げます 木製品のキズに専用樹脂を入れて木目を描き消失させる特殊技術は、ご心配無用! あなたも短期に習得でき、その技術で起業して収益を実現できます 300件の加盟店実績を有する私だからこそ自信をもって申し上げられます I will give you guidance on video with 20 years of management, 300 achievement achievements of affiliated stores Put special resin in scratches of wood products to draw grain and disappear Special technology, do not worry! You can master it in the short term, you can start up with that technology and realize revenue I am confident with this because I am a member with 300 member shop records
It is good to specialize only for repairing scratches on the floor or just for the table.
・ Orders from construction sites (detached houses, condominiums, offices, schools, hospitals, etc.).
・ Orders received from private homes.
・ Orders received from moving companies and home appliance distribution centers.
Are you satisfied with the value of your work?
As long as you change your perspective and behavior, it is up to you to increase the amount.
The problem is awareness, action, and continuity.
I am the one who has established 300 franchisees in the past in Japan.
Whether or not to walk in this healthy way of truth.
組織加入ではありませんので加盟金、ロイヤリティー、会費無用 Since it is not organization joining, there are no membership fee, royalty, no membership fee |
Act now Do your best in a profitable new market!
July 1998 Franchise chain construction of wooden building materials and aluminum sashes together with corporate registry and established 300 member stores throughout Japan.
Our company in the headquarters and franchise stores in the building industry are indispensable, the merchant’s monthly income of 1 million yen ~ 4 million yen is never a special person’s income, but realized in many affiliated stores Whats wrong?
Reliable technology born from the delicate sensitivity of Japanese
Scratch repair is now an integral part of the construction industry.
If the building industry wants it, it’s free, but we’re telling you about other major revenue sources.
Your income will depend on your activity
You are free to practice this project alone, or you can hire people to expand your business.
Furthermore, since the profits will vary depending on the recipient of the order, we have told you about the targets that have great potential. Please play an active part.
あなたも映像教材で技術を習得できます You can master skills with video teaching materials |
It is not a construction worker at the construction site
It is an environment where pride is impressed with a clean drapery
Wood product repair technology is acquired with sufficient video teaching materials
We will tell customers who can receive legitimate charges as a repair business
I will explain how to get a job in an easy-to-understand manner
There are individual differences in technical acquisition period, but you can improve your technical skills while practicing your work
We will advise you where to purchase repair tools and necessary items so you can purchase directly themselves directly
Offices, shops, expensive facilities etc. are useless
Even business using public transportation is OK, cars are good anything, even motorbikes are possible
The start-up fund is extremely small because it is only repair tool
There is neither a qualification nor a regional nature to open a business
Since it is not a construction site, even after retirement, you do not need to worry about anything who is not confident in your strength
It is a job that brings joy to people, work volume and work environment that you can do well even when you are old
There is no provision such as academic background, career, gender etc. (Those who can not judge color such as color weakness are not suitable) |
・技術が身に付く映像教材をご提供 Provide video teaching materials acquired by technology
・収益性の高い顧客と攻略方法伝授 Profitable customers and strategies |
「木製建材」補修業開業ノウハウ「教材コース」 “Wooden building materials” repair industry opening business know-how “teaching material course”
●はじめに Introduction ●1.解説(pdf 13ページ)Commentary ●2.描きを学ぶ(pdf 6ページ)Learn to draw ●3.樹脂の扱い基本(映像18分17秒)Basic handling of resin ●4.樹脂色の選定方法復習(映像6分6秒)Selection method of resin color Review ●5.樹脂入れ前の着色処置(映像3分2秒)Coloring treatment before putting resin ●6.艶消し塗装(映像5分30秒)Matte paint ●7.熱ゴテの利用方法(映像1分16秒)How to use hot iron ●8.描きの基本(映像11分10秒)Drawing basics ●9.集客活動用補修例映像(映像1分23秒)Repair example for attraction activities Picture
これだけの充実教材ですが、当時の加盟金300万円も毎月のロイヤリティーもいただきません。 収益は、すべてあなたのものです。 お値打ちな今手に入れて、あなたのご家族でも友人でもこれをお役立ていただけます。 Although it is such a comprehensive teaching material, we do not receive monthly royalties of 3 million yen for the member money at that time. Earnings are all yours. Get it now at a value, you and your family and friends can help you. 20年間培ったノウハウがこれでは安すぎますが本当です。 Know-how cultivated for 20 years is too cheap for this, but it is true. ★教材コース費用 598,000円+消費税59,800円
このノウハウでお教えする短時間で大きな収益になるターゲットは ノウハウを手に入れたらあなたの有利な仕事環境を守るため公表しないでください。 私が補修業を始めたころのように30分~2時間で5~6万円を実現する可能性は大だと思います。
Targets that will be profitable in a short time taught with this know-how Once you have the know-how, do not publish it to protect your advantageous work environment. I think that the possibility of realizing 50 to 60,000 yen in 30 minutes to 2 hours is great as when I started repair work.
補修業者は、元々単なる工事屋ではありませんでした。 汚れた作業着の集団の中、小ぎれいな身なりでスマートにさわやかに、短時間で作業して高収入を得る存在でした。 新築お引き渡し後、半年、1年、2年、3年点検で伺うお宅では「てっきり工事屋さんが来ると思っていたら」それは芸術家ですね~ と幾度も言われたことから「芸術家集団エンジェル」とのキャッチフレーズで活動しておりました。 ですから、現場へ赴く車もバンや軽ワゴンではなく、おしゃれな車が似合う業種だったのです。 我々は、工事人夫ではなく芸術家と評された木製品の修復を担う技術者です。 ここに参加するあなたも舞台で輝く俳優のようにキラリと異彩を放つ補修の芸術家になってください。 Repairers were originally not just mechanics. In a group of dirty work clothes, they were smart and refreshing with a neat little dress, and they earned high income by working in a short time. After delivery of a new building, at a house where you will be inspected for six months, one year, two years, or three years, “If you think that a construction worker will come” it is an artist ~ As I was told many times, I was active in the catchphrase of “Artist Group Angel”. Therefore, the car that goes to the site was not a van or a light wagon, but an industry that looked like a stylish car. We are engineers responsible for the restoration of wooden products that have been described as artists instead of construction workers. You must be a repair artist who is just like a shining actor on stage.
あなたの早期成功を目指して、日本人限定のサポート制度をご用意いたしました。 詳しくは、上の画像をクリックしてご覧ください。 人をうらやむ生活か、満ち足りた生活か、 選択はあなたしだい Whether envying people or being full of life, The choice is yours Apply now
自らの人生は舞台、あなたが演出家、ストーリーはあなたしだい! Your life is a stage, you are the director, the story is yours! |
Act now
Please make your dream come true.
People who do not act with suspicion, people who do not act motivated and do not act will not be rich.
There is no reason for people who do not act obediently to succeed.
The world is not sweet enough that people who speak only dreams will succeed without doing anything.
Life just once as much as dreaming about gambling How about trying to work in earnest?
If you have a solid foundation, you can play with investment and enjoy gambling.
If investment and gambling are founded on the foundation, there will be plenty of mind and victory will be obtained.
I do not work, get income with them, crazy viewpoints such as wealthy living … · · · Now it is a chance to correct orbits.
Successful personnel are exercising quickly and exercising without exception.
Only those who act immediately and act continuously can realize about 300 successive merchandises nationwide in just 2 to 3 years after starting up just like me.
The angel smiles to obediently act promptly.
Those which was 3 million yen are this exceptional value! Why are those who do not move even if you have such too special conditions like this?
There is not a lifetime to hesitate without a member money and no royalty.
What I would like to say for your prosperity
People who only envy others’ rich living forever are those who do not act.
A person who can not realize a rich life is a person who does not move imagining the future of bad results.
Would you like to continue living in poverty for life?
If you really want a rich life, not imagine negatively but imagining the future of dream realization and acting immediately.
If you act, you will see an improvement should be made at an early stage, so if you improve it and continue, you will realize a much better life than just complainers without acting.
Your own life is what you build.
It is not bad to try activities quite actively if it is a once-in-a-lifetime life.
あなたの早期成功を目指して、日本人限定のサポート制度をご用意いたしました。 詳しくは、上の画像をクリックしてご覧ください。
Apply now
自らの人生は舞台、あなたが演出家、ストーリーはあなたしだい! Your life is a stage, you are the director, the story is yours! |
西江義博は「真理谷 昌宏」のペンネームで電子書籍を執筆中、今後どんどん発刊いたします。
Amazon Kindle http://angel-tenshi.com/l/m/
【補修技術習得にかかわるリスクについて】 本商品に示された表現や再現性には個人差があり、必ずしも技術の習得や利益や効果を保証したものではございません。 補修技術の習得や、その後の事業展開能力には個人差がありますので、個人の習熟度や固有の能力、地域性の事情を超えて弊社が成果を保証できるものではございません。 本商品をご購入の際は、リスクについて十分ご理解の上、ご自身の責任においてこれを認めた場合に限りご購入下さい。 当商品は、教材制作者と同じような利益が出ることを保証するものではありません。 全てを自己責任と認め、一切の疑義を生じさせないことを約束できる場合のみご購入下さい。
【Risks related to mastering repair skills】 Expression and reproducibility shown in this product vary from person to person, there is no guarantee of acquisition of technology, profit and effect necessarily. There are individual differences in mastery of repair technology and business development ability after that, so it is not something that we can guarantee achievement beyond individual proficiency degree, inherent ability, regionality situation. When purchasing this product, please purchase as long as you fully understand the risk and accept this in your own responsibility. This product does not guarantee that profits similar to teaching material producers will come out. Please only purchase if you can promise that everything is self-responsibility and promise not to cause any doubt. |
Apply now
自らの人生は舞台、あなたが演出家、ストーリーはあなたしだい! Your life is a stage, you are the director, the story is yours! |
西江義博は「真理谷 昌宏」のペンネームで電子書籍を執筆中、今後どんどん発刊いたします。
Amazon Kindle?http://angel-tenshi.com/l/m/